Linode Instances
Disk Root Password Reset{linodeId}/disks/{diskId}/password
Resets the password of a Disk you have permission to read_write
Path Parameters
ID of the Linode to look up.
ID of the Disk to look up.
Request Body Schema
The new root password for the OS installed on this Disk. The password must meet the complexity strength validation requirements for a strong password.
Request Samples
- Shell
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X POST -d '{
"password": "another@complex^Password123"
}' \
Response Samples
- 200
- default
200: Returns a single Disk object.
default: Error
What happened to cause this error. In most cases, this can be fixed immediately by changing the data you sent in the request, but in some cases you will be instructed to open a Support Ticket or perform some other action before you can complete the request successfully.
The field in the request that caused this error. This may be a path, separated by periods in the case of nested fields. In some cases this may come back as "null" if the error is not specific to any single element of the request.