Promo Credit Add
Adds an expiring Promo Credit to your account.
The following restrictions apply:
- Your account must be less than 90 days old.
- There must not be an existing Promo Credit already on your account.
- The requesting User must be unrestricted. Use the User Update (PUT /account/users/{username}) to change a User's restricted status.
- The
must be valid and unexpired.
Request Body Schema
The Promo Code.
Request Samples
- Shell
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X POST -d '{
"promo_code": "abcdefABCDEF1234567890"
}' \
Response Samples
- 200
- default
"credit_monthly_cap": "10.00",
"credit_remaining": "50.00",
"description": "Receive up to $10 off your services every month for 6 months! Unused credits will expire once this promotion period ends.",
"expire_dt": "2018-01-31T23:59:59",
"image_url": "",
"summary": "$10 off your Linode a month!",
"this_month_credit_remaining": "10.00",
"service_type": "all"
200: Promo Credit successfully added.
The amount available to spend per month.
The total amount of credit left for this promotion.
A detailed description of this promotion.
When this promotion's credits expire.
The location of an image for this promotion.
Short details of this promotion.
The amount of credit left for this month for this promotion.
The service to which this promotion applies.
default: Error
What happened to cause this error. In most cases, this can be fixed immediately by changing the data you sent in the request, but in some cases you will be instructed to open a Support Ticket or perform some other action before you can complete the request successfully.
The field in the request that caused this error. This may be a path, separated by periods in the case of nested fields. In some cases this may come back as "null" if the error is not specific to any single element of the request.